Clean Up Australia Day – Mollymook Beach, Collers and the Cemetery
Education Program Manager, Australia wide for ‘Take 3 for the Sea’, Monica Mudge was at Mollymook this morning and expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the number of volunteers who turned up for today’s ‘Clean up Australia Day’ at Mollymook Beach.
The backbone of the Mollymook Beach clean up was and usually is the Mollymook Beach Ocean swim group and their spouses/partners. Today the swimmers commenced their morning swim early to ensure they were ready to start at 8.00 am. They were also joined by some members of the public as well as the ‘Take 3 for the Sea’ surf club nippers led by youngster Julie Armstrong.
With such a large turn out of volunteers, they were able to collect rubbish along the entire length of Mollymook Beach from the north end to the south end, around to Collers Beach, the Golf Club course and parking area, the cemetery and adjoining streets/gutters/path ways.
Rubbish included a bike riding helmet, old discarded building items and some old clothing. Volunteers mentioned that the worst offenders were those leaving their cigarette butts everywhere. Other volunteers mentioned how this year the cemetery was no where near as bad as past years with the amount of plastic flowers blown all over the cemetery. Being so close to the ocean this type of un-managed rubbish which finds its way onto our park lands, beaches and even into the ocean was less than past years and gratitude was expressed towards those that have taken this issue to heart.
Volunteers enjoyed coffee, muffins & freshly baked scones provided gratis by the Mollymook Golf Club at the conclusion of the ‘Clean Up’.
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