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South Coast food alliance – Milton outdoors


South Coast Food Alliance

Rick Stein at Bannisters, Tallwood Mollymook, St. Isidore at Milton, and Cupitt’s Kitchen – Winery, back of Ulladulla combined to form the South Coast Food Alliance. Their aim? To promote the area’s commitment to slow cooking, fresh local produce and discerning palates.

October 21, 2016 – the ‘Old Church’ Milton was the scene for the second long table. They titled this event ‘Earth – Wind – Fire + Water’.

For further information and future events visit their Website: South Coast Food Alliance

South Coast food alliance,bannisters,Rick Stein,Cupitt,Tallwood,St Isidore,restaurants,mollymook

‘South Coast Food Alliance’ venue – outdoors at the ‘Old Church’ Milton

South Coast food alliance,bannisters,Rick Stein,Cupitt,Tallwood,St Isidore,restaurants,mollymook

‘South Coast Food Alliance’ evening set under the stars


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Mollycoddle at the beach


South Coast Food Alliance

Mollymook,Beach,South Coast Food Alliance,Mollycoddle,Rick Stein,Tallwood,Cupitt's,St Isidore,restaurants,fine dining

Mollymook,Beach,South Coast Food Alliance,Mollycoddle,Rick Stein,Tallwood,Cupitt's,St Isidore,restaurants,fine dining

Inaugural ‘Mollycoddle at the beach’

Mollymook,Beach,South Coast Food Alliance,Mollycoddle,Rick Stein,Tallwood,Cupitt's,St Isidore,restaurants,fine dining

Russell Chinn & Rosie Cupitt


The South Coast Food Alliance held their first event, ‘Mollycoddle at the beach‘ to a capacity filled function centre at the Mollymook Surf Club on Friday evening October 30.

The four founding restaurants: Rick Stein at Bannisters and Tallwood in Mollymook, St. Isidore on the edge of Milton, and Cupitt’s Winery, on the back road between Ulladulla and Milton combined to each present a dish with accompanying wine. It was ‘fine dining’ at its best.

Event coordinator Mel Louth explained that “it was a spring inspired menu and that all four restaurants were incorporating the best locally sourced produce.”