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Fund Raiser for MND Research


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Ian providing information on his upcoming ‘PedalCure4FightMND’ 850 km ride around the Riverina.


MND Research,pedal-cure-4-fightmnd,Mollymook ocean swimmers,Mollymook,Mollymook Beach Waterfront

Laura gives a moving speech in regard to her MND fund raising experience

Fund Raiser for MND Research

Ian writes: “The Friday evening ‘do’ at our home was a great success in the  main due to the wonderful support given by you all. The weather caused a little concern but the happy atmosphere prevailed and nobody’s  spirits were too dampened.

The evening was touched with mixed emotions ranging from a having a good time to a few tears and everything in between. The reason for this was that I was allowed to use some local MND stories to highlight the terrible effects this disease can have. Firstly Max Woodward’s loss of his bubbly wife Jo and secondly Robbie’s loss of her God daughter(mother and athlete) at 44.

Then what a delight it was to have our very own Laura talk about her involvement with MND and the amazing 27km swim she did to raise lots of money for MND research. For someone who was terrified about public speaking, you did so well.

Mike and Lloyd provided wonderful background music and l think Christina and Jo would have loved to do a bit more dancing. Thanks to Mike and Lloyd.

I think we all had a good time with good food and company abounding.

I would like to say the Mollymook Swimmers have been wonderful contributors to the MND cause and I thank you for your support.

My dear wife Leonie and her helpers, thanks for making the evening so special.

Regards to all. I’ll pedal long and hard to support MND”. Link: MND Fund Raiser

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Mollymook Ocean Swimmer, ‘Riding for a Cause’


Mollymook ocean swimmers,Mollymook,Destination Mollymook Milton Ulladulla,Mollymook Beach,Mollymook Beach Waterfront


EPIC Fund Raising Ride, the length of the Murray

Ian writes; “Dear MOS and friends. As you have probably gathered I must be a little on the crazy side which accounts for the fact that I have signed up for the “Tour for Their Future”, The Sebastian Foundation.

This ride starts in Albury this Friday March 12 and travels along the Murray River for 1000 km to its mouth at Goolwa S.A. Guy Sebastian and his wife are amazing with the type of work they do with the Foundation.  

This ride is all about raising funds to enable the Foundation to put mental health programmes into rural/remote schools to assist our vulnerable 12 to 18 year old children.

Attached is a media release, you can check out

If you were inclined to make a donation please direct the funds to: Lockhart Cycle Club BSB 633000 a/c 154780837.

100% of funds donated will go to “The Sebastian Foundation”, Tour for Their Future.

Our involvement in cycling looks like this:  

2007 support crew ride across Australia for Royal Flying Doctor.

2011 support crew ride around Australia for Smile Foundation.

2018 and 2020 rider and support crew for Pedal Cure, ‘Fight (Motor Neurone Disease) MND’, Ungarie to Melbourne.

My legs are starting to get a bit wobbly at the thought of the ride!! Take care everyone and I look forward to a swim in a couple of weeks.

Regards Ian and Leonie”. (Main pic above: Ian finishing the MND ride 2020 at Windy Hill, Essendon)



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A poet is discovered during Isolation


Filling in Time, Leonie turns her hand to Poetry


Mollymook Ocean swimmers,mollymook news,mollymook beach waterfront,destination mollymook milton ulladulla,Lockhart,mollymook

Leonie the Poet in isolation out Lockhart way

     Leonie in isolation.


Our world has wound down to a very slow pace

When all we can do is remain in our place

We thought in a few weeks this all would be over

And the world could go back to being on clover

When Gladys says now this is the norm

It’s beginning to sink in we have to conform

With technology bringing us Facetime and Zoom

We can bring all our family right into the room

I am zoomed into yoga at the breaking of dawn

And my quilting instructions come in the morn

To see that my friends are quilting with zest

Inspires me onto produce my best

We long for this virus to be under control

To be back with you all will be good for our soul

At this point in time it is out of our reach

But what we really would like is to get to the beach

To walk with our friends and to swim with the fish

When the timing is right will be our first wish

With time on our hands and no one about

We look for a chat when we get to go out

It is a good chance to fit lots of things in

We’ve cleaned out some cupboards and filled up our bin

Sorted the photos and watched some good flicks

And constantly finding something to fix

It is nice to have time to sit down with a cup

And not be concerned that the time is all up

Corona has certainly forced us to stop

And we wait for instructions which come from the top

Always wash your hands is Scomo’s call and we know he just wants to protect us all

Go forward my friends with a cheerful shrug  and long for the day we can all have a hug



In closing, just click on this link to watch: ‘a special video

Missing you all; Leonie.













Ken B., Mollymook Beach Waterfront: Editor for Mollymook News and Destination Mollymook Milton Ulladulla