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Mollymook Seniors in Qld.


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Monte’s Resort

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Monte’s Resort


Interstate correspondent, Roscoe gives the following update on what the Mollymook seniors have been up to in Qld. 

Monte’s Resort: On Wednesday Bobby & Lynne took Jacqui & John, while Graeme & Suzanne traveled with us for a seniors outing. We drove north to Hydeaway Bay, (correct spelling) where we stopped at Monte’s resort for a lovely lunch and John & Ross had a quick dip. (Monte’s Resort investment is a MUST visit) It is a beautiful spot looking out over the ocean for anyone up this way. 

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Lunch time

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Dingo Pub


Dingo Beach Pub: On our return, we called in at Dingo Beach Pub for an ice cream, ( yes ice cream, this is a seniors tour after all!) Alas no Dingoes although we did see a stray dog that looked a bit like a thylacine. That’s Tasmanian Tiger for those younger ones.

Thursday dawned bright and sunny, just like every other day up here, a warm 25C and after our morning routine and breakfast we headed off for Bowen. Our morning routine is a kilometre swim in the 30metre pool for the boys, while the girls walk into town about 4kms. We then meet for coffee at the Abell Point marina which is about the halfway mark and have our caffeine hit.

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Horseshoe Bay

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Horseshoe Bay


Horseshoe Bay: Anyway after a pleasant drive we arrived in Bowen where I employed Navman to guide us to our first destination. It should be called “Navwoman” as it took us up a dead end street to the local hospital! Anyway we finally found Horseshoe Bay a beautiful little beach where we all had a swim, lunch, a walk to the lookout and a drive around the town before our return to Airlie Beach.

Bobby and Lynne took the cruise yesterday while the rest of us had a quiet day. A seafood feast is planned for tonight before we farewell Graeme & Suzanne who leave tomorrow. The rest of us start heading south on Monday, all traveling at our own pace. Regards to all you down there in the cold from us up here in shorts. Ross, Jo, Jacqui, John, Bobby, Lynne, Suzanne, Graeme, not to forget Mia & Bruno

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The Mollymook Seniors Crew

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Angus at Mollymook (Friday morning swell)


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Aunties & Uncles Charity auction at Cupitt’s. (Thursday evening)

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Racing surf Kayak conquers Kamikaze Break. (Saturday am swell)